2004-01-29 - 10:40 a.m.

Just another entry
Just Another Day!

Well today is just another day. It is almost 11 am and I am still in my pjs. I guess maybe I should get my day started but since I am not working today I might as well just relax.

The sun is up and it is very bright today, something that doesnt happen often this time of year. It fools you though, you see the sun and then open the door but it take your breath away. No literally it taked your breath away, the cold hits you and instantly freezes your lungs......BBBBBRRRRRRRR. No wonder I have seasonal mood disorder who wouldnt be depressed with weather like that. Makes you want to stay indoors all the time.

Onto another topic, there are alot of cool things I want to add to my page. The past couple days I have added alot of things and made alot of changes. However I am still not good at it and need some help with the HTML but im learning. My wonderful boyfriend said he would come over and help me with all of it.

On yet another note I have decided I want to find out my heritage. Dont get me wrong I know where I come from mostly that is. My dad is from portugal and I know my grandparents, my dad knows of his grandparents but that is pretty much where it stops, on both sides of my family. I want to know where my ancestors immigrated to and how they got to Canada. Not completely sure how Iam going to do this but I was sorta thinking of making a website and anyone with information could come and post what they know. If anyone here reads this and knows how I can get information let me know, it would be greatly appreciated. I guess thats it for now.

Oh I will say I have read alot of peoples diary's and its kind of cool, I like to see what moves people and how people cope with situations. There is one person's diary that I have read that I really enjoy and although he says that nothing much moves him, he is wrong I can see how he types about his family. He is completely and totally in love with his wife and kids, MAN I wish I had that. I know I have loved one or two men like that but I'm not sure Ihave ever been loved like that. Oh maybe with the exception of John from Australia who died. That could have been the love of my life. THE MAN on the other hand, I love and there is potential for a great love. I know I love him and adore him and everything he does even though he doesnt think he deserves it. I cant help it I do. I only hope some day he will feel like that for me. Its not something that happens right away so all I have to do is be patient for a little while and see what happens.

Well I think I have bored you enough. Who knows maybe something exciting will happen today and I will write about it.

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