2004-03-31 - 12:30 p.m.

Chicken pox!
Ok. So the past couple days I haven't felt to good. There have been what looks like bug bites on my legs. I thought well maybe my outdoor cat had fleas so I changed all the sheets on the bed and I checked the cat. Nope no fleas, but I keep getting more and more hives on me. So now I am thinking it is chicken pox....I am not impressed with this. So I go to the doctor and she isn't sure what it is. She doesn't think it is chicken pox but she agrees it isn't flea bites so she put me on an anti-viral medication just to be safe. For 42 pills it cost me 163.00 dollars. I almost hit the roof, like the pharmaceutical people aren't making money off that one. Thank god I have coverage for it. I just have to submit a claim now. Hopefully the itching stops soon. I also picked up cortisone cream and benedryl. That should help relieve some of the itching. Anyways should take a pill and lay down. Talk to you all later and I will post an update on how the itchiness is going.

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