2004-06-08 - 1:34 p.m.

The past couple days
Holy Hell!

For two days every time I wanted to submit an entry I was faced with a servers busy message. Anywho Im writting now. So whats been going on the past couple days or so you ask? Well let me tell you.

Friday was a day from hell with me going to physio for 8am argghhh and then coming home and packing up the car to go camping while THE MAN cut the lawn. We ran some errands then to his place to meet the landlords and arrange for a day he will move which he is to be out by this friday arghhh. Then we came back here to make sure the cat was in and we had everything then we drove to Picton to camp for the night. Camping was fun and I was sore but had lots of laughs. I dont let to much stop me but by the end of Saturday I couldn't take it anymore and said lets go so we left at around 1900hrs and drove for 3 hours. Sunday we ran a few more errands and then dropped THE MAN off at work and I went to his place to pack. Got quite a bit done.

Monday I went to physio where I was tortured so much that I could barely walk. Somedays I think they are hurtting me more then helping me. We went and saw Harry Potter last night and although it was good it wasnt nearly as good as the first 2. I also think it was darker and more for adults or teenagers then smaller kids where the first two were ok for smaller kids.

Today I have been dealing with electrical problems. The dryer keeps popping the fuse panel. Dont be mistaken by blowing a fuse cause it isnt doing that. THe fuse is fine but everytime I turn the dryer on the whole fuses panle has to be set with the switch at the top. Good thing I am getting a new dryer and it is a gas dryer so hopefully I dont have the same problem. SO far I dont have to fork out tooo much cash for the electrical panel. If we can hold out till later in the summer then my uncle who is an electrical engineer can come and change my fuses to breakers which should be helpful.

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