2004-06-23 - 12:32 p.m.

Dont know what to call this!
I guess the past couple days I dont have much to say. We are trying to get THE MAN unpacked and organize the house the way we want it......My fridge seems to be broken or not working properly so I dont know what is going on there. Usually you hear it running and lately it hasnt been doing that so I dont know as long as the stuff stay cold I guess.

On another note! I guess it isnt happy stuff Im gonna talk about but I just wantto make note of it.

You figure being a parent you would want the best for your kids..You want no harm to come to them. I look around and I see parents neglecting their kids..Using a computer or tv to babysit their kids. Some parents are selfish and forget to put their kids first.

THE MAN and I had this debate last night. For the most part we want to bring up our kids the same but we both have different approaches. The discussion last night was brought up by myself. I had been playing my online game, this game is geared towards adults and there is no way I would be letting my 10yr old play. I think it should be reserved for people 19 and older. There is a lot of sex talk, cursing and such, it is an adult environment that kids have no place to be. THE MAN said maybe the parents dont know. My response was well its their job to know....Besides you have to buy the program install it and pay for the internet time for it. I pay my internet but i also pay maxis 10.99 per month to use their system. A 10yr old is not capable of doing that. THE MAN says to me that maybe the parents dont kwno anythign about the game. As parents they should know and understand what their kids are doing before they do it. Letting your young child play on the internet unsupervised is like setting them free at disney world without supervision. I think the problem is that the computer is in a private home instead of public place therfore it is not seen as a threat. WAKE UP people it is.

And on a second note.....late sunday night here in ottawa. A father shot his wife killed her and then killed himself. While his two boys ages 12 and 14 slept in their bed. The 14 year old woke up Monday morning found his mother dead in the living room and the fathers brains all over the office. He and his brother are orphaned and he will have to live with those memories for the rest of his life. If that isnt screwed up I dont know what is.

A little advice. If your gonna take a cowards way out of this life and kill yourself then do it where your kids wont be the ones to find you. You want to fuck up your life then so be it but leave your kids out of it. Atleast give them the chance for a normal or somewhat normal life.

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