2006-07-06 - 4:42 p.m.

My news
Well as most people can atest who reads this that I have not slammed my ex or his girlfriend in a very long time. If and when I do talk about them it is nothing but the facts of incidents that have occured. Can't very well be slamming them if it is true. Anyhow here is the scenerio.

Right around Christmas my ex and his girlfriend stopped writting in their journals and well although his is still on diaryland she deleted everything off her diary. Does it bother me...NO has my world ended NO have I given it a second thought NOPE. Untill of course she begins to actively stalk me which started last year around this time and has gotten worse ever since she stopped writing in her journal. Today she actually had the nerve to email me. EMAIL ME! and accuse me of locking my diary so I can talk trash about them. Make me laugh! Until now I had not mentioned them at all. I didn't lock it so I could talk trash about them but so that I could talk about me without feeling like they are either gloating or getting some sort of satisfaction from whatever I write. They have also tried to use what I write about me in the past to hurt me in other areas of my life. IE spreading rumours and taking bits and pieces of what I had said and turning it into something totally different. Anyways I forwarded the email to my ex at work to let him know what was goig on and the antics she was taking up I was called some pretty horrible names such as psycho but really who is psycho now? Anyways I just wanted to vent. How immature, and self righteous she is. Does she not realize that I do not give a damn about them their lives or what they think? Does she not realize that my life does not revolve around them? And why after all this time would they think that I would be trying to bad mouth them. It doesn't take much all I have to do is speak the truth about their actions.

Anyways that was todays news. I woke up and checked my email and there it was. Anyways I will keep you posted as to what happens.

In other news I think THE MAN might be proposing in the near future. Like in the next couple months. NOt sure exactly when but he eluded to it the other night during our long discussion.

Anyways I need to get going I am at work while I type this and I probably shouldn't be on here while I am at work. But I am taking a much needed break.


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