2004-04-21 - 9:11 a.m.

The Leafs and the Sims
WOOHOOO the Leafs won. It was a long rough haul, one that I am not sure we can over come. Our team is old and slowing down. I am pretty sure that this round against the SENS has done them in. I hope not, but the big question is "DO they have it in them to continue........to WIN"?

In my hockey pool I'm not doing so bad I am in the top 200 out of 1300 so hey can't really complain except to say Im not in 1st. In all honesty I am a die hard Leafs fan, although I am not a dumb Leafs fan. I know that the Sens loss was purely a psychological loss not a talent and physical loss. I think had they beaten the Leafs they stood a good chance of winning the Cup but thats not the case.

If any of you are wondering "wow she is up early for her typical self?" you would be correct. I had to drive THE MAN to work. It was not pleasent for me to get up, and I dragged my ass and I still feel like shit but Im awake now. I would love to go for a snooze if only I wouldnt feel worse. If I were to lay down now and fall asleep I would have to go through the torture of getting up all over again. I could barely do it the first time, I dont want to have to do it a second time.

Anyways THE MAN bought me a game to help pass my time. THE SIMS ONLINE, all I can say is WOW! It is like the ultimate chat. You create your character which is awsome you can make your character into whatever you want. My character is a bisexual underground vamp. In other words she is gothic and bisexual and you play online, I choose her jobs and friends and where she hangs out and how she interacts with people and this is all while talking with other people who are doing the exact same thing. It is actually pretty cool. It also helps pass all this time I have at home. Don't think there is much else to update you on. So I'm logging out and I'll be back later.


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