2004-08-09 - 9:26 a.m.

Relief all the way around!
So my parents left this morning. OH how I love them, Oh how I love them come visit, but oh how happy I am to see them go to. Its a mix of emotions. I guess I know Im seeing them again in a few weeks, which makes it easier. I wish my family lived closer but at the same time I'm glad to have my house back. Its a feelings of relief a bit.

When I am with them I feel like I have to put a mask on its called the daughter mask. When they leave im not the daughter anymore Im the independant adult ME person which is such a relief. I dont want people to get the wrong idea.

I love my family and i love to visit but in small doses, this was nice not to short not to long. ON another note I think my cats are relieved that the big 80 pound dog is gone to. ALthough the dog was escellent my cats just dont seem to enjoy her size or her playfulness. MOLLY the dog loves cats and not to eat.

Molly is really good with children, adults and other animals. She has this keen sense with children and other animals. Often she goes to the group home with my mom when she goes to work. My mom works with mentally handicapped children and Molly likes to go and visit. The children are all in wheelchairs and are very low functioning so Molly is a new stimuli, something to touch and see and hear. My mom puts cookies in their hands and Molly gently takes it from them. None the less my cats are scared of her so Molly keeps her distance staring and wagging her tail hoping the cat will be willing to play. Instead I give Molly a stuffed animal and she is happy carrying it around the house like her baby. God I love her. By the way she is a golden retreiver for anyone interested.

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