2004-08-13 - 9:37 a.m.

My email I received!
So this morning I get out of bed stumble to the computer say hi to THE MAN on messenger and check my email. I nearly fell out of my seat when I saw who I had an email from.

Are you dieing to know? Well if you guessed my ex husband you would be right. I forwarded the letter to THE MAN and he is laughing his ass off and I forwarded the letter to my friend and he comment was OMG his new girlfriend is going to have a fucking BIRD! I already sent my reply and I'm sure they will not be happy.

What was the letter requesting you ask? What did I reply with you want to know. Well Ill copy and paste a couple lines in here.

LETTER FROM HIM "The agreement I remember was that if I covered the

lawyer fees for the separation agreement and kept you

on my benefits up to July 6th, you would participate

in expenses for the final divorce settlement."

I hate to break it to him but he remembers totally wrong. He covered 1 portion of the fees for the lawyer for the seperation and I stayed on his benefits because it didnt cost him anything and his new girlfriend couldnt go on the benefits till this July. On top of which he had taken me off his benefits at one point and I had to wait almost 4 months to be put back on and in that time I racked up $2000 which werent covered by insurance.

LETTER FROM HIM " While there is not an immediate need to get

this done, I think you'll agree it will be a relief to

have this totally resolved sooner rather than later,

and not have it hanging over us anymore. Hopefully

you will be able to make this as much a priority as I


My response to this is. I am in no rush. I am not the one who went and got pregnant and had a baby and needs to move on. Im not the one with a second family on the side waiting in limbo for the divorce to be final. I'm quite happy with the way things are. I dont need a divorce. I will make this divorce as much as a priority as my ex made me when we were married.

I really dont care if this is inconvenient for him and his family. I really dont care if his new little hunny agrees or disagrees. I'm looking out for number one and thats me.

As far as what my ex thinks we agreed to well I hate to burst his little bubble but he is wrong. If my memory serves me correctly and it always does, he has a poor memory and never payed attention to anything I said just plain didnt ever listen to me. No wonder he has to make these things up to convince himself he pays attention.

On another note have yourselves a wonderful weekend I will be away again. I know im a little social butterfly. We are going over to a friend's tonight for a bbq and then over to his parents tomorrow for the weekend for a pig roast. Take care all!

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