2004-10-22 - 2:23 p.m.

Gone to Halifax.
Last night I slept pretty good and so did the cats. THE MAN is gone to Halifax for work untill Sunday at noon when I get to pick him up.

It was amazing causewhile at the airport waiting for it to be time for me to leave I was sad. I wasnt looking forward to him leaving. I walked him down to the security and then we kissed. He really really kissed me. YOu have to understand he is a private person and doesnt usually show affection in public. When we stopped kissing I happened to look up and there were several people looking and just smiling. Then he kissed me a few more times and then I had to turn and walk away.

This is the first time I have been seperated from him for more then 1 day since last christmas. He called me last night to say goodnight and promised to call tonight.

On another note I couldnt believe the price of parking it cost me 10 bucks to park at the airport for 1 hour in fact it was only 52 minutes I parked for.

I got to hog the bed and I did . I layed smack dab in the middle with my arms outstretched. I had three cats sleeping with me. 1 between my feet, one beside my arms and the 3rd sleeping on the pillow.

We dont normally let the cats sleep with us because it bothers THE MAN but last night they were spoiled but atleast they behaved, they slept and didnt play.

TOnight my friend is comign over for dinner and visit we have lots to catch up on. TOmorrow I dont know what I am going to do and well Sunday maybe THE MAN and I will go for brunch when his plane lands at 12 noon.

Anyways I hope you all have a great weekend and Ill catch up with you guys later.

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