2005-04-11 - 2:03 p.m.

Yesturday we went out to visit THE MAN's Family. Since I call my beloved THE MAN I will call his family THE FAMILY. It was a good visit but short THE MOM had to leave for work at 3. She works at the casino. We visited with THE DAD for a bit, he gave us 2 dozen farm fresh eggs. MMMMMMMM, the hens just laid them yesturday.

We went over to THE BROTHER's house and visited for a little. LITTLE ONE turned 2 just before Christmas. I do love her. I think she loves me to. For some reason she calls me BARBIE, I have no idea why as no one there calls me Barbie and she doesnt even own a Barbie doll. But she has taken a liking to calling me Barbie. We think that its because she calls her mom and dad mommie and daddie and Barbie just fits in with it.

THE MAN had to do a little work on THE BROTHER'S computer so while he was on it. LITTLE ONE is yelling "Uncle Jim dont push nothing" I guess she hears her dad and mom saying dont push anytign while they are on the computer and of course she now has to inform him to not push anything. We got to play THIS LITTLE PIGGY game. What a hoot she is.

BIG ONE is her brother, he is 6 or 7 I forget now but I think he is 6. For Christmas he got a motorbike. Of course daddy has a big motorbike so BIG ONE had to get one of his own. Yesturday was so nice out that he got to ride it at Grandma and Grandpa's, he was doing pretty good. At the end of the day he was trying to make skids in the dirt. Of course he takes after his father. For anyone not sure this is an actual motorbike for kids, gas and all. Ill add a few pics if I can find them. BIG ONE on his dad's bike! Little ONE on her dad's bike! I couldnt find a pic of BIG ONE and his bike when I do I'll post it.

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