2005-08-23 - 7:05 p.m.

Weight Loss Continued.
Lucky you two entries in two days. I just thought I would post a little update on the weight thing.

I'm loving the new phase of my diet. Well ok what is there NOT to like? I basically get all my foods back, I have no foods unavailable except to stay away from the high sugar and fatty foods which is ok with me.

Being that this weekend was a party weekend you would think that it would be hard to keep to that but really it wasn't hard at all. I did have a few pieces of cheese and technically I shouldn't eat to much cheese cause it is high in fat but a few pieces didn't do me any harm. My snacks consisted of fruit and pretzels and I splerged with the "SMARTFOOD" white cheddar popcorn. Actually that stuff is pretty healthy all things considered. THE MAN'S family made wings one night. I decided one wing and the rest in salads would be good only one bite into my wing and I wasn't keen on it. I knew my stomach didn't like the grease so I stuck to the salads. The next night they expermented with deepfried steak. I chose to have BBQ souvlaki. The rest was all good.

So this morning I went to aquafit and then weighed myself and I lost another 5 pounds so that makes the grand total 52 pounds lost.

I went shopping for some new pants for school and well I am down 6 pant sizes and man these new pants are slimming and just look awsome on me. When I get all dressed up for school I will post a picture. Anyways thought I would share.

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